
Short Versions of Long Nights.

Last night I went out with friends for one of the last times in Kanoya City (tomorrow night is my first Farewell Party).
At one point I was asked if there was "taroh" in Canada.
I gave a confusing look, sat for about 30 seconds in silence, and finally realized that what sounded like "taroh" was actually the "Japanized" word for "terrorists".
I said that there weren't.
Shortly after, a girl I had just met that night told me that she was thinking she had fallen in love with me, adding, "but only a little bit".
I told her that I've found Love hard to measure.


Hansi said...


Angie Pants said...

In Indo, the kids asked Dagan what Canada was like. Were there dangers? Were there terrorists? War? Bombings? Guns?

He answered no to all.

The kids looked at him for a solid two minutes, and then finally one girl said:

"Then why did you leave?"