

Summer School (aka: teaching brand new curriculum coupled with 8 solid days of bus and train transit adventures [which take hours] to different towns every two days, having to arrive at the classroom before noon) is done!

Never, for the entirety of my employment with KTC, will I ever have to do it again.

As a result of it however, my teaching skills have leveled up at least four times.
My job status of Teacher is also increased, and I can now get into certain castles I couldn't before; I'm also capable of carrying more powerful weapons.

We had a second typhoon here during the last two days of SS. Classes were almost cancelled, but by that point every teacher was willing to walk through wind-whipping violence if it meant getting to the finish line faster. So we did. We now have three days off, and I have no idea what to do with myself.
Today was the first day off in almost 2 weeks, and being in a pattern of work, I was a little shaken with the idea that I actually didn't have to worry about when I got up, and that I had to do no prep-work before sleeping.
Not knowing what to do with myself today, I cleaned my apartment from floor to ceiling, drank pot after pot of green tea (which is fantastic here, if you didn't know), and read the last half of "Brave New World", which turned out to be much different than I anticipated. I'm glad that I finally got to reading it.
It only took me about 3 days to read...Notably faster than if I had read it 4 months ago.

In the spirit of not working, I'm heading out to catch a train to Kagoshima-chuo.
There's this DJ thing happening around midnight, so I'm meeting up with Adam and we're going to check it out.
I'm looking forward to getting out of the apartment, or a classroom, and letting off a little steam.

We'll see how the night goes.

Also, if anyone's interested, I have a keitai (cell phone) now, and it can receive e-mails and such.

The address is mandrake.mechanism@softbank.ne.jp
I can't always make it to a computer, but if you want to send a message, or a picture, or an e-hug, that would make me smile.

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