
Blog for Tim.

I've given a difficult task to myself, and that is to describe a man named Tim Steiner.
He is the afforementioned teacher who currently lives upstairs from me at the same apartment in Kokubu-chuo, and he deserves some mention.

This is a man who, to be quite honest, worries me.
The rambling ability of this man surpasses me in leaps of a Nephilim, and I can only wonder if, by the time I reach 47, I too will talk to that extent.
He's a great guy, but I honestly hope that I don't.

In those ways and more however, he's made me realize a lot of things about myself that I had "put behind me".
He's the first person I've been able to talk Philosophy with in my time here, and do we ever talk Philosophy.
We come to points usually every 15 minutes that either make us laugh or just say "fuck it", and drink.
He is technically the "head teacher" here in Kokubu, and the guy who's job it is to take care of this group of teachers, the P.S. (Performance Supervisor) was on Holiday in Finland when I arrived, so Tim took it upon itself to help me get my feet on the ground.
He is far too hard on himself, and reprimands himself much too often with self-depricating remarks that really shouldn't be there.
He doesn't give himself enough credit with things that he should.
On the other hand, perhaps he is constantly teaching humility to those that should hear.
I'm not quite sure.
In the same way, I'm not sure of many things about this man.
He is a many-layered individual that you would do wrong to try to fit in a box.

I'm glad that I met him, we enjoy each other.
And if I end up taking nothing else from this man, I hope I take the important lesson of listening.
Perhaps it took a man who gave me no other choice, to teach me this.
We both smile about things like this.

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